Empowered Pregnancy Book

You have the power to take control of your health and your pregnancy journey!

EMPOWERED PREGNANCY - The secret wisdom to natural birth is a book that was written to help women and families prepare for pregnancy and childbirth with confidence and knowledge.In a world where the medical system can be overwhelming and intimidating, this book provides valuable tools to help you navigate the system and make informed decisions about your health and the health of your baby.

You don't have to feel lost or uncertain; with the knowledge and guidance in this book, you can take charge of your pregnancy journey.

Furthermore, this book encourages you to reconnect with your innate feminine wisdom, to trust in your body and your baby's ability to navigate the journey of pregnancy and childbirth. Women have been giving birth for centuries, and you have the strength and wisdom within you to do it too!

So, if you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed about your pregnancy journey, know that you have the power to take control back and make informed decisions for you and your baby for now and the future.

Allow yourself to flow and glow and enjoy this miraculous journey ahead, knowing that you have the knowledge and tools to make it the best experience possible.

SPRING SPECIAL.... 2-week signature Detox ME program - only $549 for everything you need to reduce your toxic load & reset healthier habits & re-vitalise your energy

TERRIGAL NEWS:  Align & Activate in Terrigal is open and thriving. Terrigal’s original health Hub is a sanctuary with exceptional health practitioners for the community.

Align your Body Mind & Soul.

Activate your full potential.

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2/52 Ourimbah Rd,

Mosman NSW 2088