How unhealthy is lying?

[twocol_one] Unhealth Lying image
[/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Unhealthy Lying Quote
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[su_spacer size=”5″] We humans often convince ourselves that certain things don’t need to be said. We’d rather keep the peace than stir up trouble by being honest. We humans often compromise our own needs by putting other people’s needs first. We humans sometimes keep secrets that we don’t want other people to know about for fear of judgement. We humans sometimes tell terrible lies that spin out of control and get deeper and deeper until we now just can’t possibly tell the truth. All of these scenarios are lying and most of them are only hurting one person…. YOU! Except when we deliberately deceive others, then it has a huge capacity to hurt others as well.

“What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.”

The truth is: THE TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT. I’ve always believed this notion to be true. Even when I have told a white lie or not divulged the whole truth, I have felt so uncomfortable because I know deep down, it’s going to come out anyway. The stress of living a lie really isn’t worth it! And the longer the lie continues, the worse it is for your health.

So why not be straight up? Why? Because we are all so scared. Scared of being judged, not being loved or accepted. But we all make mistakes and none of us are perfect. So why do we put so much pressure on ourselves?

When we are lying, either in a small way or a big way, we become incongruent and lose touch with our personal truth. Our integrity starts to falter and it can cause a lot of dis-ease in our lives, and particularly our body, negatively affecting our health. It is this chronic dis-ease which can lead to disease over time and is a very unhealthy state to be in.

Lying creates chaos in your outside world as well as your inside world.

Next time you have a sore throat, ask yourself: what you are not saying that you need to? A pain in your neck: Who is the pain in your pain in the neck and why? Lower back pain: Who do you want more support from? The answers are within you and not anything outside of you. Hard to understand? Think about it.

Where can you be more honest in your life and with whom?

When you become more honest and accepting of yourself, it is easier to be honest with others.

Life is short. Don’t waste it by lying and not living your personal truth. It will only make you sick.

Neuro Emotional Technique (NET) and Neuro Linguistic Programming are great tools to help you back to your truth. Also, read “Radical Honesty” by Brad Blanton and for a good laugh watch the movie “The Invention of Lying”. For a one on one NET consultation with me, call: (02) 9986 0700 to make an appointment.

  • March 7, 2015
  • Blogs