I have a belief that the cause of all health problems are either an imbalance in our structural body, stuck emotions, imbalanced biochemistry, or something unexplained by science so I put it on the ‘spiritual realm’. I call this Your Diamond Health model. It’s essentially the ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’ model but I like to split up Body into Structure and Biochemistry. If there is a long term or chronic health issue it may also be combination of some or all of these factors. To have optimal or Diamond Health we have to be healthy and balanced in all of areas. We can’t be healthy physically but an emotional mess. Where the imbalance is, is where your personal healthcare needs to be focussed so you can attain your best level of health.
I love this insightful quote from Thomas Edison: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame (STRUCTURE), in diet (BIOCHEMISTRY) and in the cause and prevention of disease.” I like to add the importance of our emotional health too.
This is how I approach all health issues that clients present with. Physical pain isn’t necessarily caused by the physical body! Sometimes it is, but sometimes it isn’t. It often isn’t the cause with people who don’t get better even after seeing loads of physical therapy practitioners like Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Osteopaths and/or Chiropractors. This is when we need to address the physiology of emotions, a biochemical imbalance or a spiritual issue.
Let’s start with the physiology of emotions. All emotions are relevant, real and ok, even emotions that we perceive to be negative like anger. But health problems can occur when they are your default emotions. Like: stuck in a traffic jam = ‘road rage’. That’s not ok! it’s an over reaction to the situation and I guarantee that if it happens in a traffic jam, it’ll be happening in other situations where it is also not warranted. This is unhealthy! Of course, anger is not the only unhealthy ‘stuck’ emotion. All ‘stuck’ emotions are unhealthy, even things like being over sympathetic to others. When this emotion occurs all the time, people tend to jump in with those suffering and be totally ineffective at resolving the issue or effectively helping.
Different ‘stuck’ or ‘default’ emotions affect different organs and visa-versa. If someone has a problem with their lungs they can get stuck in grief or sadness without understanding why they feel like that. The reverse is true too, if they get stuck in sadness or grief it can be the cause of a lung problem that develops. This is what I mean by the physiology of emotions.
Different emotions have different chemicals that get secreted in the body. It has been proven many times by different scientists, firstly by Candice Pert, that when we experience a specific emotion, specific neurotransmitters are secreted from different cells in the body. It used to be thought that neurotransmitters where just secreted from the central nervous system cells but that is actually not so. These neurotransmitters when we are in an emotional state flood the body and cause physiological changes. Lets take an obvious example of this.
Think of a time when you were in a ‘fight or flight’ situation – like an emergency. You cells secrete high levels of adrenalin and flood your body (BIOCHEMISTRY). It increases your heart rate and blood pressure and dilates your arteries so blood can quickly get to the muscles, so you can fight or get out of there (STRUCTURE). Sometimes people can stay in that state when it is not relevant and it can cause anxiety, excess worry and over concern that isn’t warranted (EMOTIONS).
Chronic stress is our biggest killer and has far reaching negative health affects causing diseases like: hypertension, diabetes, high cholesterol and heart attack. We can take this a little further. If people stay in that state of stress for a long period of time their muscles will get tight, they often get tension headaches, poor posture results, shallow breathing and they are often in pain because stress is pro-inflammatory (STRUCTURE).
If your default or stuck emotions are around chronic anxiety or fear this is what is happening with your structure and your biochemistry most of the time. This is a very unhealthy state to be in. So what is the driver? Is it your genetic predisposition of heart arrythmias or high blood pressure (STRUCTURE), is it some past emotional trauma or PTSD (EMOTIONS), is it because you consume too much caffeine or sugar (BIOCHEMISTRY), or is it just what you have unconsciously copied a parent do all your life (BEHAVIOUR/EMOTIONS)? All of these causes of chronic stress can’t be addressed by just taking a medication to reduce the blood pressure.
I know this is a bit of a different way to think about our health but it is relevant and worth thinking about. Where in your life could you improve your health which will have positive effects on the other aspects of your health with little or no help? What are your ‘default’ or ‘stuck’ emotions that you would like to reset? How could you support the chemistry of your body better?
There are many helpful ways to balance and achieve Your Diamond Health. Coming from a chiropractic background, a good chiropractor who uses Neuro-Emotional Technique and Applied Kinesiology will be able help you address structural health, emotional health and biochemical health. Should you need to be referred onto another expert to get to your health goal, a good chiropractor will refer you.
Always use your own discernment as to what works best for you as an individual and make sure you get a good recommendation for any practitioner you see. There are fantastic and not so great practitioners in all fields, so don’t rule out a different practitioner in a field you’ve already tried if it comes from a reliable recommendation. Enjoy the journey to attain Your Diamond Health.
by Dr Sara Winchester (Chiropractor)